BioPhotonic Scanner Featured in Recent Studies
The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner has been used recently in studies from researchers at three top universities. Each of the three studies focused on carotenoids – a family of powerful antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables.
Developed by Pharmanex, the Scanner is a revolutionary tool used to measure the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin-and prove the effectiveness of your supplements in improving your overall antioxidant health. By simply placing the palm of your hand in front of the Scanner's safe LED light, you obtain an immediate reading of the carotenoid antioxidant levels in your skin-your Skin Carotenoid Score - giving you a personal reliable biomarker of your overall antioxidant health status.
Study #1: “Validation Model for Raman Based Skin Carotenoid Detection”
Conducted by researchers at the University of Utah, the results of this study further validated that Raman Spectroscopy is a valid, non-invasive objective methodology for the quantitative assessment of carotenoid antioxidants in human skin in vivo. The findings were published in the December issue of the journal Archives of Biochemistry and BioPhysics. For more information about the study, click here.
Study #2: “Skin Carotenoids as a Biomarker of Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Children”
This research, conducted at Utah State University with the Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner, demonstrated that skin carotenoids are a good measure of fruit and vegetable intake. This research was presented by Dr. Wengreen and colleagues at the American Dietetic Association’s Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo held in Boston in November.
Study 3: “Skin Carotenoid Levels in Patients with Psoriasis”
Anti-Aging Advisory Board member Dr. Alexa Boer-Kimball and colleagues at Harvard Medical School used the Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner to find that individuals with the skin condition psoriasis have lower skin carotenoid levels than patients without psoriasis. This study was published in the November issue of theJournal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. For more information about this research, click here.
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